PROGRAM - DAY 2 - Friday 10 May 2024 (program subject to change, includes speakers invited to date)


Bristol Myers Squibb Breakfast Session: Cardiac myosin inhibition in HCM: Translating theory to practice

Chair: John Atherton

Synopsis: Experts in managing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with provide an update on translating the latest evidence on cardiac myosin inhibitors to clinical practice

Belinda Gray (NSW)

Vimal Patel (WA)

Elizabeth Paratz (VIC)

Session 7: The great debate and Oral Abstract Prize Final
Chairs: Julie McGaughran and John Atherton
Time Talk Title Speaker
0830-0915 Debate: Patients should (only) be seen in a specialised multidisciplinary clinic

FOR: John Atherton (QLD)

AGAINST: Jodie Ingles (NSW)

0915-1000 Oral Abstract Prize Final   
1000-1030 Morning Break  
Session 8: Intersection of imaging and genetics in cardiomyopathies
Chairs: Alicia Chan and Arun Dahiya
Time Talk Title Speaker
1030-1045 Multimodality imaging for accurate phenotyping John Younger (QLD)
1045-1100 When should I do genetic testing? Stacey Peters (VIC)
1100-1115 When is myocarditis not just myocarditis? Rebecca Kozor (NSW)
1115-1130 Polygenic risk scores in heart failure: are we there yet? Sonia Shah (QLD)
1130-1145 Imaging and genetic testing in athletes


Andre La Gerche (VIC)
Session 9: Utility of genetic testing - across the lifespan
 Chairs: Jon Skinner and Laura Yeates
Time Talk Title Speaker
1030-1045 Genetic testing for pre-implantation diagnosis David Amor (VIC)
1045-1100 Genetic testing for maternal management pre and during pregnancy Dominica Zentner (VIC)
1100-1115  Paediatric manifeststions of arrhythmic cardiomyopathy Dominic Abrams (USA)
1115-1130 Genetic testing in children Nicholas Pachter (WA)
1130-1145 Cardiac variants in the healthy adult population Paul Lacaze (VIC)
1200-1330 Lunch  
Session 10: Genomics and therapeutics - the time is now

Chairs: Gemma Figtree and Ed Kirk

Time Talk Title Speaker
1330-1345 Gene therapies for inherited arrhythmia disorders Eddy Kizana (NSW)

New molecular therapies for familial hypercholesterolaemia.

Karam Kostner (QLD)

1400-1415 Pharmacogenomics and gene therapies in Cardiometabolic Disease - trials and triumphs

Ari Horton (VIC)

1415-1430 iPSCs, Zebrafish, CRISPR, engineered heart tissues: bench to bedside care

James Hudson (QLD)

1430-1445 Unsupervised, genome-wide computational models to predict genetic causes of human disease Nathan Palpant (QLD)
1500-1530 Afternoon Break  
Session 11: Final plenary

Chairs: John Atherton and Julie McGaughran

Time Talk Title Speaker
1530-1605  Gene therapy: a opportunity to cure genetic heart disease Christine Seidman (USA)
1605-1640 What's next in genetics of inherited arrythmia syndromes and sudden death? Elijah Behr (UK)
1640-1700 Official close of the Conference  John Atherton (QLD) and Julie McGaughran (QLD)

 Program is subject to change.